
Prymal™ is rich in fatty acids that are similar to those found in human skin, making it an excellent natural moisturizer. It helps to hydrate the skin, leaving it soft and supple.


Prymal™ contains fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K, as well as antioxidants, which can nourish the skin and help in maintaining its health and vitality.


Some users claim that tallow face cream can help reduce inflammation and soothe skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne due to its natural anti-inflammatory properties.


Prymal™ is non-comedogenic, meaning it is less likely to clog pores compared to some other oils and creams, making it suitable for various skin types, including oily and acne prone skin.


Prymal™ is well-tolerated by many people and is less likely to cause allergic reactions compared to synthetic or heavily processed skincare products.

Environmentally friendly

Tallow is a natural byproduct of the meat industry, so using tallow-based products can be seen as a way to reduce waste and promote sustainability.